Grading Resources for Scientific Writing and Presentations

This website presents resources to help instructors incorporate assignments on scientific writing and scientific presentation into their courses. Presented in Table 1 are resources for incorporating writing assignments. Table 2 presents a similar set of resources for incorporating presentations. Please feel free to download these templates and to modify them to suit your course. However, when distributing these handouts to other instructors, please give credit to the sources: The Craft of Scientific Writing and The Craft of Scientific Presentations.

Table 1. Grading and Teaching Resources for Scientific Writing.

Evaluation Criteria for Writing Criteria for evaluating the style and form of student writing
Rubric for Evaluating Writing Rubric for evaluating the style and form of writing
Gray Areas Clarification of positions by instructors on gray-area issues of writing
Template for Formal Report Template for an engineering formal report (with imbedded comments on style and format)
Grading Tips Suggestions to GTAs and senior graders on how to evaluate writing
Positive Comments on Grading Suggestions for different positive comments that can be given to students about their writing

Table 2. Grading and Teaching Resources for Scientific Presentations.

Evaluation Criteria for Presentations Criteria for evaluating presentations in engineering and science
Rubric for Evaluating Team Presentations Rubric for evaluating team presentations in engineering and science
Peer Critique of Presentations Peer critique forms for presentations by student groups
Website on Assertion-Evidence Slides Website introducing the assertion-evidence structure of slides
Slides to Teach Slide Design Slides for teaching the assertion-evidence structure of slides
Tutorial for learning the assertion-evidence structure Tutorial to help students learn the assertion-evidence structure for scientific presentations

Originated: 09/2006
Last updated: 12/2008